Dept. Chairperson's Welcome

I am really glad that you are taking a look at the Bangladesh Adventist Seminary School and College web site in general and the information relating to the Faculty of Arts particularly in Religion. The purpose of studying in school of Religion is to lead all students to an intimate relationship with God, a deeper appreciation of the scripture and christian living, and understanding of Seventh-day Adventist theology and doctrines. Specifically, the religion program prepares young men and women to work in many different aspects of the gospel ministry by equipping them to be faithful and effective witness for God. Respect and trust is emphasized in all interactions. The faculty belives that the true knowledge and real development have their sources in the knowledge of God.

We aim to prepare student for:
  • Serving as a church leader in their respective churches.
  • Perticipating in several religious services.
  • Explaining the scripture and doctrine to the people around.
  • Preaching gospel to the world.
  • Saving souls for the eternity.
  • Demonstrating the ability to plan and organize church meetings.
  • Making a personal relation and quest for the writings of Mrs. Ellen G. White.


Degree Major/Minor Duration Current Status
Bachelor of Arts(B.A.) Religion 4 Years Available


The college is committed to provide a study program set within the unique Christian world view of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. This faculty builds on this foundation to furnish our students with the professional and personal skills to contribute a Christian influence in the church where they are employed.


The college offers Bachelor of Arts in Religion which is affiliated to the Adventist Accrediating Association (AAA), Spring Midland, USA.


Wanna join the School of Arts and Religion of BASC?click to download the Application Form.


Kindly, contact to Dr. Williey Gamaliel Falia, Ph.D , Department Head, School of Religion, BASC.